Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Fighter, Release Date 12/17, Diva Screen Date 12/25

This was a great boxing movie and overall great sports movie. Unlike Invincible, this is a much grittier, non-Disney and realistic portrayal of a real sports figure, Micky Ward.
This movie is one of those where every actor is incredible in their role, Wahlberg, Bale, Adams and Melissa Leo, as Micky's mom Alice, are all up for Golden Globes. It was one of those movies where you forget who is playing the roles because they are all so believable. The best is by far Christian Bale as Dicky Eklund, Micky's older brother. Completely emaciated, Bale actually seems to be the crack addict that he portrays in the film.
The father role was a bit difficult to figure out who's who and the sisters looked to have such a rough life that they appeared to be the same age as their mom, Alice. It was the craziness of the family that made it even more real and I liked that they didn't glam up the family for the sake of the movie. In an SI interview with Micky Ward he states that the portrayal of his family is correct and that he doesn't want to be sitting by his mom and sisters when they see it. I don't blame him!

True Grit, Release Date 12/22, Diva Screen Date 12/24

I wasn't sure what to expect with True Grit, not having see the first one. My other reservation was that it is a Coen brothers film, some of which I've liked but not always. This was a great movie and I actually want to go back and see the original John Wayne version.

The girl who plays Mattie was fantastic, I will definitely watch for her in future films, hopefully she doesn't go the way of Lindsey Lohan or other teen stars gone wrong!

Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon were great too. Both in roles that they were able to blend into, for once you didn't pick up the Matt Damon South Boston accent in his role as the Texas Ranger, LaBoeuf.

I did feel they had their time frame a bit off at the end, but the hubby reminds me that "it's a movie" so I will believe that Matt Damon's character would have been in his late 50's in this movie...the Texas Ranger must have used a really good night cream:)

One last mention goes to Barry Pepper as Lucky Ned, I've missed him! Finally, although highly mentioned in the advertising and listed on the movie poster, Josh Brolin is just OK and really didn't deserve the high billing.