Superhero-wannabe "Kick Ass" was the kid that you hope most teens have buried (deep) inside them, just a nice person wanting to help others and see the world be a little bit better place.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Kick Ass, Release Date 4/16, Diva Screen Date 4/18
Superhero-wannabe "Kick Ass" was the kid that you hope most teens have buried (deep) inside them, just a nice person wanting to help others and see the world be a little bit better place.
Death at a Funeral, Release Date 4/16, Diva Screen Date 4/17
We'd been anticipating this movie for a started out a little slower than expected but picked up as it went along. There were some parts that were so funny, I thought I'd have to help Dave off the floor after he laughed himself out of his chair.
This entire movie happens in the course of a few hours at a family funeral. Typical family chaos and dysfunction abound keep the plot moving from one story to the next and back again. Usually I can't handle throw-up scenes, in this there is a poop scene that rivals any projectile vomiting I've ever seen. James Marsden, who I didn't even realize was in this movie, stole every scene he was in. Danny Glover was great as the cantankerous elder relative that makes everyone miserable. The only thing I didn't understand was why and how Tracy Morgan related to the rest and other than making the poop scene possible, the movie could have done without him (and Luke Wilson for that matter).
Monday, April 12, 2010
Date Night, Release Date 4/9, Diva Screen Date 4/10
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Alice in Wonderland, Release Date 3/5, Diva Screen Date 4/4
Until now.
I am glad that I wasn't taking a kid to this movie, I think it would have been a bit too dark and scary. It was rated PG for (in the words of "fantasy action/violence involving scary images and situations, and for a smoking caterpillar."
The Bounty Hunter, Release Date 3/19, Diva Screen Date 3/28
Jennifer Aniston was in her usual role as the smart-assed funny female. Gerard Butler was very funny, I don't know that I've seen him in anything else, but I would definitely watch something else with him in it. He has that dry way of playing humor that is a little bit like Russell Crowe.
The movie was funny, entertaining and played quickly.
How I was the only person in the theater is beyond me, but it was $6 well spent. Sorry AMC for having to lose some money on my ticket!